Thursday, January 15, 2009

Do you know Pinnochio?

LIE: An untrue statement

Have you ever met someone who told you a lie? I have, we all have. Have you ever met someone who just flat out lies for no reason? I have. Have you ever met someone who simply CANNOT tell the truth? I have. Have you ever met someone who, if their life depended on the truth, would die with one more lie but lies anyway? I have. Have you ever met someone who lies SO much that they believe their own lies? I have. Have you ever met someone who would lie to their own mother? I have. Have you ever met someone who would lie about their own children? I have.

COMPULSION: irresistible impulse

Have you ever just been so drawn to something that you could not resist it? No matter how bad for you it was? I have.

COMPULSIVE LIAR: A person who has an irresistible impulse to lie. A person who cannot or simply chooses not to tell the truth.

Have you ever met one of these people? You may not even know if you have. Some are that good at what they do. I know one who is. And guess what?

I SICK AND TIRED OF A LIFE FULL OF LIES!!!!!! I don't trust this liar at all. I don't believe ANYTHING that comes out of this liars mouth.

Oh the BIBLE has a LOT to say about LIARS. God hates a liar and liars will be punished...those are two of my favorites.

The lies don't ever stop. I've got a secret...

You wanna hear it?...

Are you ready?...

Satan is the FATHER of LIES.

Are you a LIAR? Are you a COMPULSIVE LIAR??


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