Sunday, December 25, 2005

Ode to the Christmas Virus

Silently sneaking up you come,
Old or young, age matters none.

You mercilously pick your prey,
as silently in bed I lay.

Awakening with a start,
I am beating fast at heart!

Alas it is not to see,
The presents underneath the tree!

It is to visit a porcelain throne,
Which end is up is still unknown.

After an early morning "delight",
I wish it were still only night.

For my head is beating like a drum,
As it will remain until this day is done.

You clutch my eyeballs from behind,
And squeeze and squeeze until I am blind!

You are such a cruel fate,
For added too, I stayed up late.

Even those who got in bed,
still may have an aching head!

Those Christmas cookies, punch and cake!
Oooohmb! Will most assuredly have to wait!

The various aromas and the odd little sounds
within my aching belly do surely abound!

Rumbles and roars galore,
My body is making as never before!

Up and down I lay my head,
wanting only to stay in bed!

Each second ticks by, each hour so slow,
Will this day ever end, this feeling ever GO?

Finally relief comes at the break of dawn,
I look at the clock and only can yawn!

Christmas day has come and gone,
But the nausious memories will ever live on!

Next year at this time as your new prey you pick,
Remember that in 2005 I was the lonely soul sick!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

It is officially Christmas in our house. Yesterday my husband and I went to Kroger and bought a 14.99 Christmas tree. Yes folks thats right I said 14.99. It is so close to Christmas that all of the trees THAT ARE LEFT are marked down to 14.99. So now I have a tree up in my house and it is almost standing up straight! As soon as my daddy brings some kind of wood blocks to prop it up, it will be straight.

So, as my husband was bowling last night, I proceeded to decorate our gimpy little tree. I placed each ornament on with loving care, then I picked them up off of the floor where they fell to and placed them on the tree again. Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree your leaning to far left! So as I continue to decorate my tree, I find myself leaning to the left to get some ornaments on. By the time it is all decorated, my tree is almost laying on the couch. Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree you're really on my nerves! Phone call..."Mom, gimpy leaning tree. Any ideas?" "Try cardboard" Ok, thanks for the idea BUT cardboard wont hold up in water. So papaw to the rescue he says use wood blocks. Haven't tried it yet but plan on it tonight.

Merry Christmas gimpy tree, Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2005

God's Timing is Better than Mine...

Ok, so it is now almost 1 week exactly since my surgery. Things are well, swollen, but well. Last night after I botched my solo in the christmas cantata, my mommy took me out for a banana split (boy did I need mine laced with rum!), then I came home and my husband gave me "permission" to lay aside my crutches if I promised not to cry anymore about my solo. Well, I didn't promise (although I didn't cry anymore) but he let me put them down anyway.

Hooray! I am finally off of them! I can tend to my house again! I can tend to my sick baby again! Yes, my very sick baby. Two ear infections, cold in his eyes and a general cold (so I thought) Hooray! Just as soon as I sleep in this morning, ok?! :)

Oh wait! What's this??? It's 6:50 am and my husband has collapsed on the bed and is mumbling something about calling in sick to work! How's that??? Come again??? I was sleeping in, remember? "You need to call work for me, I can't move" Up and out of bed I hop. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" "No, I am hurting all over" Doing the whole forearm to the forehead bit, "You are running a fever", I will call the doctor as soon as they open. Back in bed I lay down thinking I can still catch a few zzz's. Uh-uh, ain't gonna happen. After about 15 minutes of "I'm cold, I'm hot, I hurt, I'm gonna be sick" I realized that sleep was no longer an option, so out of bed again, ready to start my day of taking care of my two sick men (notice I didn't say babies...)

Off to the doctor, upper respitory infection not the flu like I thought (same symptoms). Three days home from work. Does anyone realize what this means? Ok wives, I know what you are thinking, does anyone else know what this means? This means that I am going to have one H of a time getting his christmas present together. I was counting on this week, Arg! What is a girl to do?

I don't know, I just have to remind myself that God's timing is better than mine. Pray for me. Oops I mean, my sick men. :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A Family Worth Anything is A Family Worth Everything

Let me begin by saying how much I love each and every member of our family (and one person who isn't a pressure). Each one of you holds a special place in my heart. I had so much fun on our Christmas weekend. I didn't want it to end, but I did, but I didn't, but I did.....

It was so nice to sit around and watch all of the kids open their christmas gifts. It seems like an eternity since we have all been together like that. I REALLY miss those times. I hearby swear to work harder to get together with my family. People have no idea what they are missing when they don't have a loving family to get together with. Even if there are eye rolls and grunts and people having a tiff, it is all worth it just to have a few moments together.

It was just as nice to sit around and watch the adults open their gifts. Shout out to Bretterbie, who succeeded in making Daddy cry. Good job man, Good Job! It was so nice to sit around with each other and talk about everything and nothing at the same time. I love you all so much. Good times people! Good Times!

Now, as we all know, I had my knee surgery yesterday. My momma is so great that she took me because my husband, God love him, had to work. What a wonderful surprise to wake up and see Marcus sitting in the recovery room looking at me! Yeah! He got off work early and came to sit with me! He doted on me all day yesterday and all night too. Then like a wonderful mommy, momma came over and sat with Micah and I today while everyone was gone. I like having days with my momma(girls-I know you are jealous). My daddy came to see me (although...I think there is a little boy who he wanted to see more. My mother-in-law sat with Micah while I had my surgery. She is just so great. I don't think that I tell her often enough how much she means to me. My father-in-law stopped by to see me, I swear I love that man more every day! Even the girls are helping me out as much as they can. They are so sweet to me..."do you want some water?"..."do you need anything?"...

I think, no, I KNOW that I have the most wonderful family possible! I love you all so much...
and NO, that's not any pain medicine talking...God blessed me with a 99 o/o painfree surgery. (Am I sacreligious if I say "shout out to the Big Man upstairs!)?