Sunday, December 25, 2005

Ode to the Christmas Virus

Silently sneaking up you come,
Old or young, age matters none.

You mercilously pick your prey,
as silently in bed I lay.

Awakening with a start,
I am beating fast at heart!

Alas it is not to see,
The presents underneath the tree!

It is to visit a porcelain throne,
Which end is up is still unknown.

After an early morning "delight",
I wish it were still only night.

For my head is beating like a drum,
As it will remain until this day is done.

You clutch my eyeballs from behind,
And squeeze and squeeze until I am blind!

You are such a cruel fate,
For added too, I stayed up late.

Even those who got in bed,
still may have an aching head!

Those Christmas cookies, punch and cake!
Oooohmb! Will most assuredly have to wait!

The various aromas and the odd little sounds
within my aching belly do surely abound!

Rumbles and roars galore,
My body is making as never before!

Up and down I lay my head,
wanting only to stay in bed!

Each second ticks by, each hour so slow,
Will this day ever end, this feeling ever GO?

Finally relief comes at the break of dawn,
I look at the clock and only can yawn!

Christmas day has come and gone,
But the nausious memories will ever live on!

Next year at this time as your new prey you pick,
Remember that in 2005 I was the lonely soul sick!


DJS said...

That is such a riot! I am laughing my head off. Let's keep this poem and every year when "whoever" gets the Christmas Virus, we'll send them this poem. We "all" have memories just like this!!

Kimberly said...

I bow to the queen of blogs. I am humbled by your great work and can only marval at your brillance!!!!!