They say that each child is different and to a certain extent that fact is very true. While all 3 of my other kids just let it go without question, Tucker is not wanting to let his go. He has faithfully sucked on his papees since a newborn. While other toddlers have walked around with a papees just sitting in their mouth, Tucker has actually sucked on his religiously.
My first 3 kids took MAM pacifiers, you know the kind with the cute pictures? Tucker started out using those as well but at 6 months we changed to GERBER Natural Latch due to breastfeeding issues. I never thought he would accept a change of pacifiers at that age but sure enough, latched right on and never looked back. Well the time has come to say goodbye and he is none to happy about it.
My poor kids do not have a chance when it comes to their teeth, especially my boys. Between my small mouth (no comments from the peanut gallery) and their dad's small mouth, there is just not going to be room for all of the teeth that they will get. So upon examining Tuck's mouth I noticed not only does he have a cross bite, but he also has an open bite (which means the front teeth do not close) I know it is from the pacifier. So, it is time to make that dreaded change.
He last had his papees Sunday night at bedtime. Now I knew going in that this would not be an easy transition but geez!!! this is ridiculous. All day long he is fine and doesn't say anything about it but come bed or nap time...oh man! That is all he can think about until he falls asleep. And let me tell you, this little guy can hold his own when it comes to staying awake at nap time. He cries and screams and pouts and begs. It's quite pitiful honestly. It actually makes me feel like I am doing something wrong to him. I truly do want to give it back to him.
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want a five year old walking around with a papees hanging out of his mouth. I just feel like the most evil mother on earth for taking away his best friend. Sob, sob. He still has his blanket(s) which he loves dearly but they are just not the same as his papees.

Oh and just so it is said, I am in mourning over this along with Tucker. This is the end the baby chapter in my life. He will be 2 next month and we are potty training too. He is not a baby anymore. I have no more babies in my life.
Look out clay! Here comes your aunt sissy...
1 comment:
Oh my. Those pictures are SO cute. He's so cute with his papees, too! It's for the best, I know, but it IS pitiful!
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