This particular blog is about Jekyll and her dislike of lavender. Yes you read right. I have a cat that dislikes the smell of lavender. How do I know this you ask? Well, let me tell you how I have come to this conclusion...
It started a couple of months ago. I cleaned out the cat's litter box one day and scrubbed it really good with Mr. Clean. It had a lavender scent, which was quite lovely (the cleanser not the cat box) Anyway, I started finding cat pee on the floor and in the baskets of clean jeans. I was a little confused but would clean it up and fuss at the cat. Now this started happening on a regular basis. Our cats had fleas really bad at the time so I assumed that it was because she was itching and very unhappy. So, I started getting frustrated when it continued to get worse. I thought maybe the cat box was too small so I purchased a new larger cat box. It worked! She started using the larger cat box and was very happy and didn't use the floor or the laundry anymore.
Several days later Ryane went to put on a pair of jeans that had been in the laundry basket in the living room (yeah yeah I'm bad about laundry sitting). She says "Mom, why is the leg of my jeans wet?" I said "I don't know, smell it. Is is cat pee?" "EeeW! Gross! It is!" She replies. Now I can't figure out why Jekyll peed on the jeans. So I am just sitting thinking and it dawns on me! I use Lavender scented fabric softener liquid and sheets.
Now you might wonder why she would pee in the jeans and not the rest of my laundry. Well, I wondered that too but got to thinking, I also use oxyclean in every load of laundry BUT the jeans. So the jeans ALWAYS smell stronger than the other loads of laundry. So there you have it. I have a psycho cat who hates the smell of lavender and is not afraid to let me know it.
Moral? Fold and put away the jeans.
that is acute cat.by the way if you want to see my ear rings go to my mom's blog site
i ment to say that is a cute cat
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