Friday, January 16, 2009


Ok, so this one is not about Tucker and gluten, it's about me and Ryane and gluten. All of the other kids went to their dad's house tonight so Ryane and I went out and ate dinner. Just the two of us so we went and ate chinese food. Yum! While there I cheated a little and ate what I knew contained gluten. Funny how I have been off of gluten for several months now and have thought seriously about eating something that I want but haven't really let myself. Well, tonight I let myself.

I needed to go to walmart so from the restaurant we crossed the street and went to wally-world. By the time we got into walmart, my stomach was so bloated that I looked pregnant, very pregnant. I was wearing low-rise jeans at that so it stuck out all the more because there was nothing holding it in!

Since I went gluten free I have not had that miserable, I ate soooo much I'm gonna die feeling...till tonight. I swear to you I have not felt that miserable after a meal in years. It was like we were walking in slow motion and with every step, my stomach got bigger and bigger until I thought it was gonna POP! The funny thing was that Ryane noticed the difference a glutenous meal made for her as well. What a bonding moment, haha. Mother and daughter walking around walmart...together, bloated...together, miserable...together, laughing at each others stomach...together. Ahh, special times...yeah special times.

Well Gluten, you had your way with me tonight but I am changing the locks on my door and you are kicked out of my life...again.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Oh, sister. Live and learn, live and learn. Once you go gluten-free you can never go back...even only once. :)