Monday, November 14, 2005


I have nothing profound to say today. I just figured I haven't blogged in a couple of days so I had better put something on here.

I did have a date on Saturday night. (I am sure you have already heard about Marcus' bathroom incident. Well, I have a question for all...WHO, and i mean WHO in their RIGHT mind brings a 4-year old to an R rated scary movie? Hmmm? Who? We go into the theatre and sit down. Were getting all comfy, the movie is getting ready to start and I hear "mommy". So I turn around and there he is a little boy, Devin's age, sitting with his mommy and I presume his daddy. Do you know how hard it is to concentrate on being scared poopless when you know there is a little boy behind you who you know is unfit to be in that theatre? Oh, I wanted to have the nerve to say something so badly, but I just thought lots and lots of bad things about the parents. Then, get this, after the very scary movie, we get up to leave and the "daddy" speaks to Marcus. Apparently they worked together in the past. Go figure. Marcus didn't say anything about the little boy but deep in my heart of hearts I kinda wished that he would. (Shhh, don't tell him though)

Well, the movie was really good. We had a date to see Saw when it came out so when we caught the advertisement for Saw II, we both said we wanted to go again. And guess what...there is going to be a Saw III (at least is left you with the impression that there would be a third one.) It was so scary! It was gory too but not too gory. It was the kind of movie that lets your imagination tell you what happened. I love dates with Marcus, we don't get them very often. I love a good scary movie!!!!!

Those of you who don't, SUCK!

I am so utterly excited about Marcus' Christmas present! I want to tell you all about it but I can't. Marcus reads my blogsite and he would know. BUT I AM SOOOOO EXCITED! I want to blab all about it. I think he will really really like it. It is going to take a little work to keep it a secret but I am going to try my very very best! And I will be really really mad if he finds out what I am giving him before Christmas day! VERY VERY VERY MAD. So no peeking!

Hey since everyone reads this, here is an idea. Why don't we get together at Kelly's house the weekend before Christmas? Or close to it? Then we can celebrate Christmas together! How does that sound? I think it's a great idea! Let me know what you think! We can draw names at thanksgiving. Sound good? Huh? Someone Answer me!


Kimberly said...

That sounds really good because I'll be in Hazard for Christmas...I TOTALLY want to do this!!!!

Kelly said...

I am in!

DJS said...

So are we...