Ok, so after I got all of the pictures posted I realized that I had left of my beautiful mini me, Ryane. Then Kim called me out on it. So, I had to get my little butt in gear and put a pic of her up. Isn't she precious in her Flapper dress? She loves it! It was one of the best $1.00 that I have ever spent. Yes, I said $1.00. Gracie's costume was $1.00 as well. For that matter, Micah's was $1.00 too. My momma taught me how to seek out the bargains! So our halloween cost nothing more than $3.00 and a little time.
You know, the posting part of this I love, it's the loading of the pictures that I don't love so much. We have an older scanner that likes to act contrary at times. Like sometimes I scan a picture and it holds it captive for a little while. It's almost impossible to find. Ugh!
Well, it is another Saturday and Marcus has to work until 5:30 today, that stinks! We had a great saturday last week so I guess I can't complain too very much. I guess I will do some laundry and clean the bathroom, blah blah blah. Oh, I do need to take Ryane to Lebanon to try and pick up some jeans for her. Inevitably every morning she wakes up and says "mom, I don't have any clean pants" Now, that really is true because she only has like 2 pair. So, today I am on a mission to get her some blasted pants!
So I am sitting here realizing that Devin is not on my blog anywhere. So I must post a picture of him too, because his little toothless grin in so cute. Some of you may have seen this one already. Others maybe not, but it's one of my favorites from the pumpkin patch. Could he get any cuter?
I don't know what to do with all of these good looking men in my house!
I played the role of the good wife and mom last night and made a large dinner, roasted chicken, pinto beans and cornbread, corn mac-n-cheese and potatoes. We got to have another family dinner. Yeah! We discussed Christmas presents! I am so excited I know exactly what I want to get Marcus, it's just gonna take a little miracle to pull it off! I think I can do it, IF he will behave and not peek. I honestly don't know if I can trust him not to peek though. Sorry babe, but you have admitted it before. Christmas is so fun!
Micah is not making this easy for me so I have to go amuse him for a little while before he breaks my keyboard. ttyl
I love love love looking at your site! I get so excited when I pull up the sites that I have placed on my tool bar and they are different. Ryane is beautiful! I miss you guys like crazy and can't wait for Thanksgiving!
Don't I make beautiful grandchildren?
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