Here are some of MY favorite moments from Thanksgiving weekend:
1. Having 8 kids running around the house while all of the adults sat and ate their lunch, not caring if the kids were hungry!
2. Talking to Kim in the bedroom on Sunday (about you know what)
3. Baking with Kelly and Marcus
4. Laney asking if I could curl her hair
5. Brett blending in SO unbelievably well
6. Marcus and Uncle Frank going bowling together
7. Marcus and Uncle Frank and Brett going bowling together
8. Going shopping with Aunt Patsy
9. Missing momma and daddy, as a family
10. 7 out of 8 kids staying at the other house so Marcus and I could have a date
11. Having a date with my husband
12. Making up with my husband after a disagreement
13. The sound of 8 kids together playing, laughing, arguing and having fun!
14. Devin opening up and playing so well with Caleb and Olivia
15. Listening to the stories told all around
16. My family going with me to my family gitogether (black slang)
17. Having a family that loves each other enough to put up with each other for that long! :)
I totally agree with this and add...26 hours in the car with my favotrite man and not having one argument :-)
I'm so glad this was special for you. You're a special person. I love you.
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