I was reading one of my favorite blogs and there was a picture of the author of said blog and she looked like "Betty" in that photo. Perhaps it was the perfection of her makeup or just the angle of the photo but it took me right back to that cookbook.
Now of course I commented about her looking like "Betty" on her blog but that is not the point of this entry. My comment went something like this..."you look like "Betty"...blah blah blah...even as a child I thought [Betty] was beautiful, perhaps it is because I always thought that she looked like my mother."
As my finger released itself from the left mouse button, I had this horrible need to elaborate but knew it wouldn't matter to her because I probably just offended her but in reality was giving her a wonderful compliment. So here I am now. Elaborating.
...seven degrees of separation...
If in fact, said female looks like "Betty Crocker", then in fact said female is beautiful due to the fact that I always thought "Betty" was beautiful. Which in turn leads us to "Betty" resembling my mother, which would be the reason that I always thought "Betty" was beautiful. Which brings us to the actual point of said facts...my mother is beautiful.

I have always thought so and always will. Words can never describe the beauty that I see in her, but I will give it a whirl anyway. She is quiet and unasuming. I don't know if that comes from being a grandmother or if she was always that way. She doesn't walk into a room, she enters a room. She carries herself as a proper woman, you don't hear foul language come from her mouth. She doesnt drink or smoke. She is kind and patient. She takes caution not to hurt others feelings. She listens without judging. She is loving. A wonderful grandmother, and a terrific friend. She doesn't age. She is more beautiful to me today than she was as a young woman in her photos.
My mother is my role model and I am blessed that God chose me to be her daughter.
This is my favorite post of all time of any blog site. I couldn't agree more!
I love this post:)
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