So a couple of months ago Micah, my three year old, had his teeth cleaned and Dr. Heather found a cavity. Eeek! I'm a bad mom. So we set up an appt. to have it filled. Now Dr. Heather is a pediatric dentist (why I will never know) so she knows what she is doing. She informs me that we will give him a sedative via a gummy bear and it will make him loopy-loo. Sounds great to me. So we give him the gummy and wait. Waiting, waiting waiting. So after 30 minutes the nurse calls him back and we are ready to go.
Uh-oh. Micah is not happy about all of these people being in his face. He proceeds to kick, scream, pinch and bite! Wow, too late now we've already started. So how many women does it take to hold down a 3 year old? The answer is FOUR! After all is said and done, Micah has a tooth filled, mom is exhausted, one nurse has a pinched boob and Dr. Heather has a bitten finger (something tells me it's not the first) but all is well. So we go home and an hour later, THE SEDATIVE KICKS IN!!! So I sat and laughed at how loopy-loo he was at home instead of at the dentist office.
Fast forward to now. Micah has another 2 cavities...Yes I know, I am a bad mom! So this time we get smart about things and Dr. Heather advises me that we will be using a LIQUID sedative so we know that it will work. So here we go. We get to the office and force poor Micah to drink this nasty purple stuff. He is such a good boy though he just drinks it down, completely against his will. Give him 30 minutes and we are LOOPY-LOO!!! Woo-hoo! This time it worked. We get back into the chair and Dr. Heather says "The med. will peak at 45 minutes so I am kinda waiting till then, we don't want a rerun of what happened last time." I'm thinking, smart woman.
So at 45 minutes we begin. First of all if you have never put a "clown mask" on a three year old, don't try it. They don't like it, no matter how good the "fresh air" smells. Strawberry or not! So then we begin the process of opening his mouth. Hmmm, not looking too great. Dr. Heather calls mom over to help hold Micah's hands. Now so far we have made him drink yucky purple stuff, put something on his nose, pinched his cheek with a yucky shot, clipped a metal biting thing on his tooth, laid a rubber sheet over his mouth (which he is a mouth breather by the way) and now mom is holding his hands still. Wow what a spot to be in when you are three. By the time both teeth were filled, Mom (me) was laying on top of him, holding his hands and legs still, Dr. Heather is holding his lip up and filling a tooth, Nurse #1 is holding Micah's shoulders down and Nurse #2 is holding his head still. All the while Micah is screaming BLOODY murder and crying...we had to shut the door to his room so as not to frighten the 6 year old in the room next to us.
He looks so halarious!!!! Poor buddy!!!
I'm sorry. That's the funniest picture I've ever seen in my whole life. :)
Your dentist is nicer then mine...mine makes me leave the building!
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