You always here about the Terrible Two's, but nobody warns you about the third year. Micah, who can sweep anyone off their feet with one look, is three. As we walk through the store, I hear all of the time "Oh! How adorable." or "He is so cute" or any other positive comment that you can think of over an adorable little boy.
Someone the other day made a comment that stuck with me though. She said "Oh you are so cute I would just find it terribly hard to punish you, but I bet your momma doesn't have a problem with it." I had to smile at that because it is so true. I have to admit that Micah can make me smile at almost any given time just by being himself but he is such a little booger that I can let him have it at almost any given time as well.
He has just hit this point to where I think he is just plain bored being at home. Not enough stimulation so he invents trouble for himself.
*He has discovered that by standing on the toilet, he can easily climb into the bathroom sink which is only secured to the wall, nothing underneath.
*He has found out what happens when you pour a gallon of Chocolate milk into a gallon of tea.
*He has figured out that neosporin can also act as glue for breathe right nose strips to stick to jewelry boxes and other miscellaneous spots in the house.
*He discovered that by blaming his 18 month old brother, he won't get into as much trouble.
*He thinks by saying "Sorry" as soon as you say his name that he won't get fussed at.
*He figured out that his sisters like to leave kitchen knives out on the cabinet so he cuts his own apples.
*He's decided that he's not going to go to sleep for naptime or bedtime.
*He's decided that he can sit in my bed and pee for no apparent reason.
*He really likes to pee into the bathtub when the toilet is right behind him.
And this is all within the past week or so. Shall I go on? Well, probably not necessary. Truth of the matter is I love the little monster and he can make me smile just by being himself. And his soft little kisses mean just about everything to me. God love ya Micah, God love ya!
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