Praise the Lord and Thank you Jesus!!! I am back online. My computer is home from the computer doctor thanks to a very wonderful friend on mine.
Shout out to Bebas! Time is non existant in our friendship. Been friends for over 10 years now and feels like just yesterday we were working in the worlds worst daycare (haha) planning a trip to Kings Island with our crew, which was much smaller at the time. Can't wait to see you again. Thanks again lady!
Another friend of mine???...much thanks to Jesus for HIS perfect love and care. I am learning through much heart ache and time that Jesus is the only perfect man. Jesus will never cheat, never lie, never hurt. Jesus will always love, always care, always provide. Jesus loves me even though I make mistakes, He is my father. Jesus wraps His arms around me when I am crying, He is my comforter. Jesus is the only man I need. I love you Lord!
Oh and just in case any of you questioned God's doesn't make any sense to us but it works. He turned $25 into $250 in less than 24 hours. I don't know how He does it, I don't care how He does it. The fact is HE DOES IT, and He does it for me. Thank you Jesus for your amazing blessings that I am experiencing left and right.