Thursday, October 16, 2008

Convo of the day...

This convo took place in the living room between Micah and myself. The wind blew and then this convo took place.

Micah (3): Mom! My pee pee is getting big!

Mom: What? Your pee-pee is getting big?

Micah: Yeah! It's getting big! (proceeds to pull down his pants and underwear and
show me his 3 year old hard on) See?

Mom: Oh! It is getting big. Pull up your pants.

Micah: Well, I don't want it to get big.

Mom: Then leave it alone.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Question to ponder...

Why does the poop smell not come off your hands? Seriously. We have all gotten poop on our hands at one point or another. Us mothers have way more of a reason than those of you who aren't but still...why does it not wash off? You can wash with soap and hot water twenty two dozen times and it still doesn't wash off! WHY? (regardless of the answer, I have my own way of getting it off.) But still, WHY? Why does the poop smell not go away? Feel free to give me your medical answer Kelly.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Count your MANY blessings! Name them one by one! and comfort give you to your journeys end!

Praise Jesus that I can count my blessings: Blessings for October 12, 2008

My relationship with GOD.
My beautiful children, all of them.
Fabulous services at church.
Finished that house.
Monitary gift from an unexpected source. (not with thy sword nor with thy bow. Joshua 24:12)
GREAT Sunday School teacher who loves the Lord.
Laughter. (always makes a day brighter)
Dinner with old friends, who lifted me up.
Quiet time with God...heading there now.

Funny. As I am looking at my list, I am realizing that only 1 of my blessings today were actually tangible. Hmmm. Food for thought.

Proverbs 8:19 My fruit is better than gold, yea than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

One of those days...

My day has been so bad that I ate a container of cool whip for dinner!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Momma's sweet little devils.

This is the only moment of rest I ever get.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Ok, so trust will always be an issue.

So I am just bein nosey and flipping through random blogs, some interesting others not so much. I pause and read through one here or there but I have come across a lot of blogs that are family related. You know, lots of pictures of the family. Mom and dad. Husband and wife. Parents and kids.

To be quite honest with you, one of the first things I think when I see a picture of a husband and wife is "Is he faithfull?" I know that sounds really bad but it is the truth. I literally stare at the picture and wonder how she can trust him. COMPLETE STRANGERS!!! There is something wrong with me.

Going through all that I have gone through over the past um, well, all of my life with men has really left a lasting impression with me. Sad to say, I see it doing the same with my girls, but that is a blog for another day.

I don't want to feel this way about men. Honestly I don't. I just don't know that I could ever trust a man. I mean REALLY trust him. I am constantly putting myself in another womans shoes, which is not a bad idea ladies! For instance, I am cleaning a house right now and I have a friend that stops in from time to time. Some days he stays a while, others he doesn't. Well, I had to stop and think "how would I feel if my husband were doing this?" I spoke to his wife about the situation and she assured me that she trusted both of us and was ok with it. I was glad to hear that.

Another for instance, there is this guy at walmart , who is overly nice to me if you catch the drift. He always smiles and asks me if I need some help, I know its his job but there is doing his job nice and I think your hot nice. This is the I think your hot nice. Well, one day I see him in walmart fairly close to a lady, walking and talking. It just seemed like they were a couple. SO, what do I do? Put myself in her shoes. What if he is with her and being overly nice to me? Can't go down that path! So now I try to dodge him when I see him. I don't know him from Adam and he may be just as single and the next person but I cant shake the what ifs.

I was literally told by another man that if I didn't "play the game" (of taking another womans man) that I would end up alone. I just can't do that. I guess if that means I will be alone, then I will be alone. God will be my husband.

All in all, I don't trust men. At all. Now who's fault is it? I honestly can't blame any one person. But what I can say is that the men in my life have certainly not helped me trust anymore. They have pushed me to not trust even harder by their actions.

What happened to the REAL men? Are there any out there? I really have my doubts...sorry to any of you REAL men who may be out there and reading this. I just don't trust men and don't know if I ever can.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Jekyll and Baby Girl